Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 147

iran street board burned

Iran Protest-No. 237

Regime’s Banners Torched and Nightly Chants of Slogans in Tehran and Other Cities

On Thursday, February 9, the 147th day of the nationwide uprising, the defiant youths set fire to and destroyed the regime’s banners displayed on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution in Tehran, Karaj, Kangan Bushehr, Mashhad, Arak, Borujerd, Kerman, Khash, Bandar Abbas and Kermanshah. On Thursday evening, the chants of “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator” and “We pledge to the blood of our comrades – we will stand until the end” echoed from the houses in parts of Tehran, including Narmak, Pirouzi and Saadat Abad, and in Mashhad, Sanandaj, and Saravan.

On Thursday morning, shopkeepers and the bazaar merchants of Javanroud went on strike on the occasion of the 40th day of the martyrdom of Borhan Elyasi. On Wednesday evening, February 8, the defiant youths targeted and torched Basij suppressive base in Chabahar’s Yakhsazi Crossroad with Molotov cocktails.

On Thursday in Isfahan, deprived people who live on collecting garbage, gathered outside the Isfahan Waste Management Organization to protest against obstructions to their work and monopolization of this source of income to the municipality.

On Wednesday, a group of cotton farmers from Parsabad in Moghan protested against the non-payment of their wages in front of the Governorate’s building.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 10, 2023

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