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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran Nationwide Uprising – Day 141

Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 141

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Iran Protest-No. 235

NCRI logoUprising in Zahedan, demonstrations in Khash, Sanandaj, Galikesh

On Friday, February 3, the 141st day of the nationwide uprising, thousands of Zahedan residents once again staged anti-regime demonstrations after Friday prayers despite extensive arrests and severe suppressive measures by IRGC and other oppressive forces. Protesters chanted, “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei),” “We have no fear of death or jail, we will stand until the end,” “We pledge to the blood of our comrades – we will stand until the end,” “I will kill whoever killed my brother,” and “Political prisoner must be released,” “Death to the Supreme Leader after many long years of crimes.

Demonstrators were carrying placards that read: “From Zahedan to Kurdistan, my life for Iran,” “From Baluchistan to Tehran and Kurdistan, I sacrifice my life for Iran,” “No to Shah’s son, No to Khamenei’s son,” “Clerical or monarchy rules are the same,” “We will not live under oppression, we sacrifice our lives for freedom,” “Death or freedom, no surrender under torture,” “No fear of hanging noose” and “Execution of any Baluchi means the downfall of the regime.”

The people of Khash once again staged demonstrations after the Friday prayer, chanting “Death to Khamenei.” Suppressive forces fired teargas at the demonstrators. Baluch freedom-loving women and girls also protested the arrest and repression of Sunni clerics in Baluchistan and Kurdistan.

People and worshipers in Sanandaj protested the kidnapping of Sunni clerics, Ebrahim Karimi and Loqman Amini, outside Nanleh Jame Mosque chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Death to the agent” and calling for their release.

Turkmen and Baluchi residents in Galikesh of Golestan province gathered outside the house of Mowlavi Mohammad Hossein Gorgij, Sunni Friday prayer leader of the city, to protest against ongoing pressures on him and chanted anti-regime slogans.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), saluted the brave Baluch compatriots in Zahedan and other cities who, despite the brutal measures by the suppressive forces, insist on the Iranian people’s desire for the regime’s overthrow. She said they showed that in unison with the rest of the Iranian people they reject any dictatorship and demand a democratic republic based on people’s vote.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

February 3, 2023