Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 126

iran dehgolan shadman ahmadi ceremony 19012023 1
A blurred image of a ceremony that was held to honor Shadman Ahmadi, a slain protester, in Dehgolan, Kurdistan province, Iran

Iran Protest-No. 228

Memorial ceremony of martyrs in Izeh and Dehgolan

On Thursday, January 19, the 126th day of the nationwide uprising, locals in Izeh (Khuzestan province) participated in the 40th day of the martyrdom of Donya Farhadi, a 21-year-old female architecture student at Ahvaz University, who disappeared on December 7, and her family found her lifeless body on December 15 on the banks of the Karun River. Participants chanted, “Death to Khamenei, damned be Khomeini,” “This perished flower is dedicated to the homeland,” “I will kill whoever killed my sister,” “They took our Donya and brought back her corpse,” “Bakhtiaris would die but never accept humiliation”.

The ceremony of the 40th day of Shadman Ahmadi’s martyrdom was held in Dehgolan with a large attendance of people who chanted, “Death to IRGC”, “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” and “The martyr does not die”. Shadman Ahmadi, a professional journalist, was abducted from his home in Dehgolan by the regime’s intelligence agents and was murdered on December 8 under torture.

Nightly slogans of “Death to the dictator”, “Khamenei the tyrant, we shall bury you,” and “Freedom, freedom, freedom” echoed from the buildings on Wednesday evening in Ekbatan township, Ferdous Boulevard, and Marzdaran neighborhood of Tehran,

On Wednesday evening, a group of brave girls from Resistance Units marched in one of the streets of Tehran and chanted the slogans “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei)”, “Let the people of the world know that Massoud (Rajavi) is our leader, the Liberation Army is our final word”, “Hail to Rajavi, death to the principle of Velayat-e Faqih”, “Democracy and freedom, with Maryam Rajavi”, “MEK is present in every alley and every street”, “This is the last message if you execute there will be an uprising,” and “Democracy will be achieved via ‘We can and we must’”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

January 19, 2023

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