Iran Nationwide Uprising – Day 102


Iran Protest-No. 204

Memorial ceremonies of Kian Pirfalak, and other martyrs were held in Izeh, Sanandaj, Saqqez, and Dashti with participants chanting “Death to Khamenei”

On Monday, December 26, the 102nd day of the uprising, the ceremony of the 40th day of martyrdom of Kian Pirfalak, a 9-year-old boy, was attended by a large crowd in Izeh chanting “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator,” “From Izeh to Kurdistan, I sacrifice my life for Iran” and “With hijab or without, onwards to revolution.”

The clerical regime plans to execute a prisoner named Mojahed Kor Kor, who was arrested during a clash with the IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence forces, as the murderer of Kian Pirfalak. Therefore, the participants in Kian’s ceremony today chanted “If Mojahed is executed, there will be a revolt in Izeh.”

The ceremony of the 40th day of martyrdom of Danial Paybandi, a 17-year-old teenager, was attended by an enthusiastic crowd in Saqqez chanting “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to the dictator” and “Kurds, Baluch, and Azeri, seek freedom and equality.”

The people of Sanandaj honored the memory of Aram Habibi in Behesht Mohammadi Cemetery on his 40th day of martyrdom and chanted “Death to Khamenei” and “Martyr never dies.” Participants called on the martyr’s mother, “Mother! don’t cry for your child, we will avenge him.”

The memorial ceremony of Hamed Molai on his 40th day of martyrdom was held in Dashti in Hormozgan province. The participants were carrying a placard that read: “Hamed Molai, Soha Etebari, Kian Pirfalak, we will continue your path.”

Soha Etebari, a 12-year-old girl from Bastak in Hormozgan province, was killed when the suppressive forces opened fire on her family car at the checkpoint on Sunday evening, December 25.

Early this morning, December 26, defiant youths set fire to the Basij base in Kohandezh of Isfahan, and burnt pictures of Qassem Soleimani, former Quds force Commander, in Tehran by throwing Molotov cocktails.

On Sunday evening the residents of Chitgar, Punak, and South Shahin neighborhoods staged protests chanting “Death to Khamenei, damn with Khomeini,” “Khamenei is the same as Khomeini, this one is more treacherous than that one,” “Death to bloodthirsty Khamenei,” “Death to Khamenei, the murderer.” In Karaj protesters were chanting “Death to Khamenei, death to Basiji, death to IRGC” and “We pledge to the blood of our comrades – we will stand until the end.” Bukan and Mahabad witnessed the nightly demonstrations of youths lighting fires in the streets and creating roadblocks. The defiant youths attacked a Basij base in Saveh and a seminary in Ahvaz using Molotov cocktails.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said that on the 40th-day ceremony of the martyrdom of Kian Pirfalak and other martyrs in various cities people targeted the main cause of the martyrdom of this innocent child and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of other children and young people of this country by chanting “death to Khamenei”. By making this slogan happen by the Iranian people and the Resistance, the rainbow of freedom will appear over the sky of our country in near future.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

December 27, 2022

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