IRAN: Nationwide Truck Drivers Strike Continues for 6th Day

IRAN: Nationwide Truck Drivers Strike 6th Day

Iran Uprising – No. 169

The Iranian regime’s intelligence agents summon and threaten active drivers to break the strike

On Sunday, May 27, the nationwide strike of truck and heavy vehicles drivers continued for its sixth day in spite of threats, pressures and various repressive measures by the Iranian regime.

On Saturday, agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of intelligence and Security (MOIS) summoned a number of drivers from different sectors of transportation. The names of the summoned drivers were distributed in social media.

In the city of Sabzevar, the head of State Security Forces threatened the striking drivers with a ban to drive on all the roads in the country.

In a number of cities, such as Hamedan and Tehran, members of the State Security Forces insulted the striking drivers and issued them fines without any offences being committed.

In spite of the repressive measures, the freight terminals in various cities remain half-closed. Striking drivers refuse to load and are lining up their trucks along the roads.

In Akbarabad Kovar (in Fars province), 400 trucks drove to Shiraz while honking in support of the strike. In Ardabil, truckers prevented passage of loaded vehicles. In Ilam, the IRGC moves fuel using escorted municipality vehicles.

In solidarity with striking truck drivers, taxi drivers and taxi owners in Tehran, protested against low fares and expensive spare parts on Sunday.

In the city of Yazd, minibus owners gathered outside the city’s municipality to protest high costs of spare parts, and to express solidarity with striking truckers.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 27, 2018

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