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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Mullahs' regime tries to prevent young people's uprising

Iran: Mullahs’ regime tries to prevent young people’s uprising

Angry Iranians disarm a plain cloth agent of regime during Tehran unrest - June 15, 2009Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 12

Mullahs’ regime tries to prevent young people’s uprising through suppression and intimidation
NCRI – The mullahs’ regime, which is frightened immensely by the popular uprising, is trying to mobilize a counter-protest as a pretext to brutally crack down on the protest by the residents of Tehran.

Angry Iranians disarm a plain cloth agent of regime during Tehran unrest - June 15, 2009Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 12

Mullahs’ regime tries to prevent young people’s uprising through suppression and intimidation

NCRI – The mullahs’ regime, which is frightened immensely by the popular uprising, is trying to mobilize a counter-protest as a pretext to brutally crack down on the protest by the residents of Tehran.

Agents of the Revolutionary Guards and other suppressive forces in a statement entitled “Islamic Propaganda Coordination Council of Tehran Province” announced that a pro-government protest will be held at 4 pm on Tuesday. “Ill-wishers and sworn enemies of the Islamic revolution are misusing the gatherings of honorable supporters of [election] candidates and have damaged public property and carried out armed attacks on military posts and offices of the State Security Forces and Bassij, leading to the death and injury of a number of Tehran residents”, the statement said, urging “all those who care about the country and Islamic revolution and honorable supporters of the election candidates” to take part in the protest “to bring an end to division and spread of insecurity which would take the country toward upheaval”.

In another development, the mullahs’ Intelligence Minister Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Ejei on Tuesday attempted to threaten and coerce angry youths into ending their courageous uprising. He said: “Anti-revolutionary and unlawful opposition forces poured onto the streets under the guise of election activities. They created disruptions for the people and destroyed and set on fire some public and private property, and they harassed the population. Certain anti-revolutionary grouplets had infiltrated certain election campaign headquarters, and under the guise of election campaigning pursued their own goals”. He added: “In addition to those arrested by the State Security Force, more than 25 main elements and instigators of these disturbances have been arrested and are currently in detention. Some of them have admitted to their criminal actions such as torching a bus”. (State-run news agency Arya, June 16)

Mullah Taeb, a senior official of the paramilitary Bassij force and member of the central council of the Association of Followers of the Islamic Revolution, said: “The disturbances are not created by the people. Their persistence indicates that enemies of the regime are interfering. It is not right to say that people have created havoc over election-rigging, since the clashes are being instigated by those who do not believe in the regime and the footprints of the Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran) can be detected in these disturbances”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2009