Iran: Mullahs’ prepare grounds for suppression on anniversary of July 21 pro-Mossadeq uprising

National Council of Resistance of Iran


Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 113

NCRI – In an attempt to prepare the grounds for the brutal suppression of any demonstration on the anniversary of uprising on July 21, 1952 in support of the nationalist government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, Brig. Gen.Ahmadreza Radan, deputy commander of the State Security Forces (SSF), was quoted by the State-run news agency Mehr, as saying, “The police will deal harshly with any illegal gathering which would create disorder in society.”

Hossein Shariatmadari, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's representative in Kayhan daily warned the leaders and associates of the rival factions against continuing the protests in his article, which appeared in Kayhan yesterday. He threatened them that “the turmoil they have instigated by the enemies' orders will cause such a heavy storm that would annihilate the new divisive conspiracy just as it did in 1980s.”

The clerical regime has put on alert all its suppressive forces including the Revolutionary Guards, the Bassij paramilitary force, SSF, crack units of anti-riot police, plainclothes as well as the Ministry of Intelligence agents to prevent any protest from gathering steam.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 21, 2009

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