Iran: Mullahs’ astronomical lies to cover up crushing defeat in Majlis elections

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NCRI – Reports by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from 25,000 polling stations and foreign journalists as well as eyewitness accounts show a crushing defeat for the mullahs' regime in the elections on Friday. The secretary of the mullahs' headquarters for elections, in an astronomical lie, announced a 65 percent voter turn out for yesterday's election.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance described the total boycott of the sham elections a major defeat and rejection of the entire clerical rule by the Iranian people.

The regime's propaganda machine unlike the past elections seldom was able to show a crowd and is attempting to generate Goebbels lie hopping to cover the fact that 95 percent of the Iranians boycotted the elections. However, in facing reality of what had happened, the ruling clerics come up with contradictory statements. 

From the scratch, the regime produces different figures for the number of eligible voters in the country. According to Iran's National Statistics Bureau in October 2007, there were 49,500,000 people over the age of 18 in Iran. However, Brig. Gen. Alireza Afshar, director of the elections' headquarters in the Interior Ministry, announced just recently that "there were 43,800,000 individuals over 18 years of age in the country," reported the state-run news agency Fars on February 3, 2008. To show a high turnout of the eligible voters, taking into account the population growth between October of 2007 and February of 2008, the regime came up with a negative growth of 6,000,000.

"In Tehran, 1,400,000 voters cast their ballet by 7 p.m.," reported Fars on Friday evening.  As it is evident, the regime confirmed that by polls closing yesterday in the capital, much fewer than 2,000,000 voted. On the contrary there are about 7,000,000 voters by official account in Tehran. Thus, the mullahs admit to the fact that not more than 25 percent of all voters participated in the elections in the capital.

Separately, the elections' headquarters in the northwestern province of East Azerbaijan ridiculously announced, "The polling station Vazarqan had a 124 percent voter turnout in the Majlis (parliament) elections," reported the state-run news agency ISNA on Saturday.
The regime faced quiet polling stations despite all vote rigging tactics such as buying votes of economically deprived citizens and ordering soldiers to vote. The Social Network of PMOI registered thousands of election fraud cases in the country.

Candidates belonging to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's factions bought each vote 10 to 50 thousand Toomans (between 10 to 50 US dollars); some of them allocated more than 300,000,000 Toomans for vote purchases. The price list for each vote is as follows in some Iranian cites:

In the southwestern city of Abadan 25,000 Toomans;
In the northern province of Gilan 15,000 Toomans;
In the western province of Elam 50,000 Toomans.

The candidates would commute people to vote from villages promising them free lunch and money to nearby cities in places like the northern city of Rasht and western city of Elam.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2008

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