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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: mullahs announce launching of an existing joint suppressive garrison

Iran: mullahs announce launching of an existing joint suppressive garrison

Iranian regime's state seurity forces

Fire Festival protests – 4 

In a hollow show of force, mullahs announce launching of an existing joint suppressive garrison to intimidate people and confront protests during Fire Festival

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Monday announced the launching of an already existing "Joint garrison of State Security Force (SSF), IRGC and Bassij paramilitary to maintain order and security, and to deal with the possible disturbances on the last Wednesday of the [Iranian Calendar] year," state-run media reported.

The reports stated that "Four technical gatherings on the ways of maintaining order and security" were held and the "full readiness of IRGC and Bassij for deployment in various districts of Tehran" was announced.

Such propaganda is only part of ridiculous show of force to confront Iranian people's participation in Fire Festival celebration.

For the past 9 months the sessions of the Joint Garrison of regime's suppressive forces have been regularly held in Sarallah Garrison. Iranian regime's suppressive organs have been preventing any information leaks on the sessions. The Iranian regime is fearful of an uprising during the Fire Festival to the extent that even it tries to use the news of holding a regular secret session as an instrument for intimidation to confront people's protests during Fire Festival

Previously, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader on Sunday demonstrated his desperation in face of nationwide uprising by issuing an un-Islamic and anti-Iranian fatwa to shun people from taking part in the Fire Festival.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2010