Iran : Mrs. Rajavi calls for a complete boycott of the sham Assembly of Experts elections

December 15 is the day to say “no” to the illegitimate mullahs’ rule

NCRI – In an address to the people of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called for a boycott of the regime’s sham Assembly of Experts elections. She called on the Iranian people to stay in their homes on December 15, boycotting the religious fascism in its entirety and bringing about a day of saying “no” to the mullahs’ illegitimate rule in order to show the world the Iranian people’s determination for freedom and hatred of the religious fascism.

On Tuesday, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei gathered the regime’s top officials and while trying to cover up the factional feuding within the regime called on them to “guarantee a public turnout” in the Assembly of Experts elections.

Mrs. Rajavi said in this regard: The Assembly of Experts elections which is another theatre for the mullah’s factional feuding has nothing to do with the people of Iran and will be faced with an overwhelming boycott. The assembly which is comprised of criminal mullahs and does not even include a single woman is the most prominent display of the usurping of the Iranian people’s governance and the foremost representation of the mullahs’ gender apartheid.

She added: While the elimination of the regime’s factions is indicative of the of its final phase, the ruling mullahs are deceitfully trying to portray their regime as stable and powerful by warmongering in Lebanon, increasing their terrorism in Iraq and erecting gallows inside Iran. However, Khamenei himself reiterates that any retreat at this juncture will carry with it an unending chain of pressures and further retreats. The regime’s president says that the slightest retreat is tantamount to loosing their existence.

Mrs. Rajavi reminded the fact that the regime benefited the most from the circumstances after the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and the disruption of regional balance and the September 11 tragedy, buying itself more than 15 years. Nonetheless, she said, its Achilles’ heal is exposed and it shows an irrational reaction when it comes to the issues of free elections and human rights as well as the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, resistance and popular freedom-seeking activities. This is because the medieval regime is aware of the level of the people’s hatred and anger towards it. Therefore, it is unable to retreat and is trying to draw its frontline in Iraq and Lebanon and acquire nuclear weapons in order to prevent its inevitable collapse.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 11, 2006

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