Iran: More suppressive measure in the run up to May Day celebrations

Today, the Deputy Interior Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Baqer Zolqader warned workers, students, teachers, and youths against participating in May Day celebrations.  His comments come at the time when workers and teachers with the support from the rest of Iranian people are preparing for a major turnout tomorrow.

Subsequent to Zolqader’s warnings, a number of students’ activists were arrested by the State Security Forces (SSF). The universities are under constant surveillance by the regime. Even simple ceremonies on May Day are not tolerated by the SSF.

On May First, Workers, teachers, and students are determined to turn May Day celebrations into massive demonstrations against the Iranian regime. They have planned to have gatherings outside the regime’s Majlis (parliament), labor union, City Park, and other locations in Tehran.

Secretariat of the National council of Resistance of Iran
April 30, 2007

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