Iran: Memorial ceremony held at a university in Tehran for student victim of uprising

NCRI – On Sunday, July 26, a memorial service was held at the Science and Technology University in Tehran for Kianoosh Asa, one of the students slain during the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people. He was a graduate student studying chemical engineering at the university.

The regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) as well as the agents of the Security Office (an MOIS branch at the university) consistently threatened student activists and their families against holding the ceremony. Despite such attempts to prevent the ceremony, students managed to honour the memory of their slain colleague. They chanted, “My martyred brother, I will reclaim your right,” “Student dies, but will not accept humiliation,” “It is a day of mourning, Iranian students are mourning today,” “Death to dictator,” “You killed the country’s youth, Allahu Akbar; You took thousands to their graves, Allahu Akbar.”

The ceremony was held while the regime's officials at the Science and Technology University had tried to stage a sham ceremony at the university mosque in order to prevent the students from organizing their own independent ceremony replete with heated chants.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 27, 2009


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