Iran: Massive student protests at universities


Chants of “Students would rather die than to accept humiliation” and “University education should be free”

On Tuesday September 27 Sharif University of Technology students continued their protest for the third consecutive day and gathered in front of the building of the university president. They confronted security agents who are spies of the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) at the university and who had intended to disperse them, and occupied the university president’s office.

University of Amirkabir, Melli (Beheshti), Tarbiat Modarres of Tehran, Esfahan University of Technology, Razi in Kermanshah, and Zanjan University also witnessed similar protests in the past few days.

Students are critical of the plan to fine students for school years that was proposed in order to extort money from students. According to the plan, enrollment for 5th semester of graduate courses is conditional upon paying 5 million tomans (~ 1600 USD) fine. Students also have to pay other college expenses such as accommodation costs and self-serve restaurants. This plan is even in violation of regulations adopted by the Ministry of Science of the regime.

Students in their gatherings hold banners reading: “Students would rather die than to accept  humiliation”, “student is aware, the voice of justice can be heard”, “Is here a university or barracks!”, “We are better students, we we are more deprived than everyone”, “Sharif University or Sharif business firm? “, “freedom of thought cannot be under pressure “, “university education should be free “, ” We do not give money by force” and “university is not a source of income”.

Sharif University students declared in a statement that not only Rouhani’s promises to students and about university has not been fulfilled after three years, but continually additional unjust expenses and limiting regulations have been imposed on them. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

September 27, 2016

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