Iran: Massive Protests in Marivan, Continued Student Demonstrations


Iran nationwide uprising– day 52

Angry demonstration in Marivan and the people chanted “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to the dictator.” The Special Unit forces surrounded the house of the victim’s family, but the people protested by lighting fire. The suppressive forces fired tear gas and bullets at the demonstrators. People blocked the street by burning tires, barricaded it, and fought back the agents. The youths attacked the office of Shiva Ghasemi, a member of the regime’s parliament from Marivan, occupied Nowruz Square, and pelted the City Council with stones. Marivan Bazaar merchants went on strike in solidarity with the uprising. Clashes between the people and the suppression forces started in the morning and continued until 18:00 local time.

In Tehran, people chanted “Death to the dictator” and “Death to the IRGC” in the Mirza Shiraz subway and demonstrated in Ferdowsi shopping mall chanting anti-regime slogans. In Ahvaz, defiant youths set fire to a Basij base.

Students in the universities of Tehran, Sharif, Isfahan, Tabriz, Noshirvan in Babol, Razi in Kermanshah, Sana’ati in Urmia, etc., started a sit-in and staged protests. In Isfahan, Special Unit forces attacked the demonstrations of Sheikh Baha’i University students. Medical students of Tabriz disrupted the speech by Saffar Harandi, a member of the Expediency Council of the regime, by chanting, “Basiji, get lost” and “Freedom, freedom, freedom” and shouted at him, “Revolutionary Guard get out.” The students of Mashhad Azad University tainted the statue of Qassem Soleimani in red. Students in the Northern Pardis of Tehran University chanted, “If one student is missing, there will be doomsday here.”

Today, students demonstrated in Tehran, Marivan, Bukan, Zahedan, Shahriar, and Karaj. The school students of Mirabad in Bukan chanted “Death to the dictator” and “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei).” Female students in Tehran chanted, “Our leader is a murderer; his rule is illegitimate.”

On Sunday, November 6, Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Quds Force, reported about the death of a Basij force and wrote, “On Thursday, last week, during the ceremony of the 40th day of the death of two of the victims of recent incidents in Alborz province on Azad Freeway of Karaj-Qazvin in Behesht Sakineh area in Karaj, Rouhollah Ajamian was killed.” The state-run Khabar Fori website, November 6, reported the death of 4 State Security Forces (SSF) members in Bampur and wrote: “The SSF Commander of Bampur in Sistan and Baluchestan province announced the martyrdom of four SSF employees of this city.” On November 5, the same website reported the death of a policeman named Morteza Gholamian in Khash by passengers of a passing vehicle.

According to the state-run website Etemad Online, on November 4, Javad Nik Bin, a clergy member of the regime’s parliament from Kashmar, said: “I was walking from Kargar Street towards Keshavarz Street, and 30-40 of our young people were beaten. It was not unusual, and one or two people punched and kicked me. We deserve it; we should be slapped (punished).”

To prepare the grounds for harsher treatment of those detained during the uprising, members of the regime’s parliament announced in a statement, “We urge all the officials of the country, including the judiciary, to teach [them] a lesson as soon as possible and implement the divine rule against the Moharebin (enemies) under any cover and profession, and enforce retribution order.” Reported Majlis (Parliament) news agency, November 4.

According to the official state-run news agency IRNA, on November 4, Ezzatollah Zarghami, the regime’s Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, quoting the main interrogator of the uprising detainees said: “He said that he had been interrogating for all his life, even interrogated big political figures, but several people that he had interrogated in the recent few days were his most difficult ones. Because ‘neither I understand what they are saying nor they understand what I am saying.”

On Saturday, the defiant youths overturned an SSF vehicle in Nishapur. In Ahvaz, they burned the statue of Qassem Soleimani at the airport junction. In Fardis of Karaj, Soleimani’s statue was tainted in red. In Yazd, a large poster of Khamenei was set on fire in Amir Chakhmaq Square and the Safaiye district.

Mehr state-run news agency, November 5, reported: “The meeting of the heads of the three branches of power was held on Saturday in the presence of Ebrahim Raisi, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, and Mohseni Ejei in the Presidential Institution. The need to expedite the handling of the cases of those responsible for disturbances and insecurity in the country and their punishment was, among other issues, emphasized by the heads of the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 6, 2022



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