Iran: Mass Demonstrations in Zahedan Against Killings


Iran Protest-No. 53

Two weeks after the Black Friday massacre in Zahedan and the killing and wounding of hundreds of Baluchi compatriots by the IRGC, thousands of people staged a mass demonstration in Zahedan today, October 14, after the Friday prayers congregation. They marched from the Friday prayer mosque towards Khayyam Street and the Makki Mosque and chanted, “Death to Khamenei,” “Death to Basij” and “I will kill whoever killed my brother.” They demonstrated outside the police station precinct 16, near Zahedan’s Friday prayer congregation, which was responsible for the massacre on September 30. Protesters were chanting, “Death to the dictator” and “Death to the disgraceful Basij.”

The protesters demanded the release of all the detainees, especially the teenage girls and youths.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), hailed the brave people of Zahedan and Baluchi compatriots who stood up against the Revolutionary Guards and said: The suppressive forces of the regime are doomed to defeat in face of your determination. Today, the people of Iran are more united than ever, crying out “Death to Khamenei” and standing face-to-face against the evil clerical rule. They are fighting for freedom from Tabriz to Sanandaj, from Ahvaz to Zahedan, and from Tehran to entire Iran. This heralds tomorrow’s democratic Iran. Today’s unity is the harbinger of equality and justice in tomorrow’s Iran. The 10-point plan, attached to the statement on the 41st anniversary of the NCRI founding, guarantees complete gender equality, autonomy, and the elimination of oppression of Iranian ethnic groups and nationalities.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

October 14, 2022

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