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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Large gathering in Tehran to commemorate the martyrs of nationwide uprising

Iran: Large gathering in Tehran to commemorate the martyrs of nationwide uprising

Iran: Large gathering in Tehran to commemorate the martyrs of nationwide uprisingNCRI – A large number of residents of Tehran gathered in Toopkhaneh Square at 4 pm (local time) on Thursday to commemorate the “martyrdom” of those killed in recent days in Tehran and other cities during the nationwide uprising.

The crowds poured on to Saadi, Naser-Khosro and Laleh-Zar streets before converging on Toopkhaneh Square, with the number of protesters continuously increasing.

From Toopkhaneh Square, the protestors are marching towards Enghelab Square. Most of the protestors are dressed in black in memory of those killed, and some have banners reading: “What was the crime for which they were killed?” and “I will kill those who killed my brother”.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 18, 2009