Iran: Khamenei’s picture brought down in “16 Azar Street”

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 17 

Ten motorcycles and several vehicles belonged to suppressive forces have been burnt by people

Some security agents refuse orders by their superiors

NCRI – Tehran today is the scene of courageous confrontation between people and the suppressive forces of the clerical regime. Demonstrators in ‘16 Azar Street’ brought down a large portrait of Khamenei while chanting “This is the month of blood – Khamenei doomed to fall.”


Nationwide uprising – Ashura 17 

Ten motorcycles and several vehicles belonged to suppressive forces have been burnt by people

Some security agents refuse orders by their superiors

NCRI – Tehran today is the scene of courageous confrontation between people and the suppressive forces of the clerical regime. Demonstrators in ‘16 Azar Street’ brought down a large portrait of Khamenei while chanting “This is the month of blood – Khamenei doomed to fall.” Skirmishes are going on in Enqelab Street and Keshavarz Boulevard. People have taken the control of Karegar Shomali Street between Keshavarz Boulevard and Fatemi Street and anti riot forces and plainclothes agents have driven out by people.

Scattered but strong demonstrations are taking place in streets and cross sections between Enqelab Square and Keshavarz Boulevard. In some parts of Tehran people and the suppressive forces are hurling stones at each other.

In these areas, between 12:00 and 13:00 local time, four people were killed. In the same areas, at least 10 motorcycles belonged to Special Guards and Bassij forces have been set on fire.

Many people wounded when suppressive forces opened fire on them or beat them with batons and threw tear gas.

A number of government vehicles have been set on fire today.  In many occasions when suppressive forces and Basij arrested a person, people swarmed and released them and the Basijis were forced to run away.

In some instances police members disobeyed their commanders ordering them to attack and shoot at the people.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 27, 2009

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