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Iran: Khamenei’s Office Notifies IRGC, MOIS, Police Force, and Subordinate Units of High Alert Status from March 13-18

The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

  • NCRI logoOn the last Wednesday of the year, the Fire Feast should not be celebrated in passages, squares, or streets. Instead, it should take place in neighborhoods and alleys.
  • The total control force in Tehran is 45 thousand people.
  • Mission: To establish a presence in 250 “vulnerable” locations throughout Tehran with the goal of preventing gatherings from forming, protecting and guarding sensitive locations and government buildings, and identifying and arresting organized rioters, main leaders, and graffiti writers.

Reliable information obtained from within the Iranian regime outlines the key components of a plan to address any disturbances that may occur during the fire festival in Iran. The plan has been communicated to the country’s repressive organs for implementation.

The Security and Counterterrorism Committee of the NCRI alerts the people of Iran and rebel youth across the country to these developments. The goal is to raise awareness and encourage necessary preparations for the upcoming fire festival campaign, so as to avoid being caught off guard.

  1. 100% readiness of the police force, IRGC, Basij, and regime’s intelligence from Monday, March 13 to Saturday, March 18. This readiness includes all subordinate units and organs.
  2. The police force has the responsibility of establishing security and maintaining order in the city, while the IRGC and Basij forces play a supporting role. Additionally, the Ministry of Intelligence will perform its own missions.
  3. The 27th Division, along with the Ranger Brigades known as “Al-Zahra” and “Al-Mohammed”, 5 security units, and the Fatehin unit are all on high alert in their headquarters in Tehran.
  4. The “Imam Ali” battalions in Tehran districts have been assigned to conduct patrols in their respective territories.
  5. The “Beit al-Moqaddas” battalions are stationed in Basij areas and bases to ensure their protection and maintain a presence in the surrounding areas.
  6. Each police station coordinates with its corresponding area to employ a group of 4 to 6 Basij members for joint patrols known as Razavion patrols.
  7. There are 21,000 police-ready forces and 24,000 IRGC and Basij forces stationed at 250 “vulnerable” points.
  8. Police patrols are conducted by car, motorcycle, and on foot, with the necessary personnel being supplied by police stations, emergency units, and special units.
  9. The FATA police (Space for Production and Exchange of Information) monitors virtual spaces and pays attention to calls made on social media to identify gathering places for young people. With this information, police forces are stationed in these areas to prevent gatherings from forming.
  10. The traffic police set up checkpoints and conduct control on main roads and congested areas according to a general plan. In cases where routes or specific areas are beyond the control of the repressive forces, they are isolated by closing off access points. This allows emergency forces or special units to reach those areas.
  11. The “public security” police forces are stationed in various locations, both in plain-clothes and undercover and provide continuous reports on the situation. Based on these reports, the higher command can deploy additional forces as needed.
  12. Educational forces, including ranking students and police officers, are being utilized to assist with patrols on foot and in vehicles, among other tasks.
  13. The mission of forces in Tehran is to prevent gatherings from forming, as well as protect and guard sensitive locations and government buildings. They are also tasked with identifying and arresting organized rioters, main leaders, and graffiti writers.
  14. Fire festival ceremonies should take place in alleys and neighborhoods. Due to traffic on the streets and passages, no thoroughfare, square, or street should be used as a performance venue on the last Wednesday of the year.

National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

Security and Counterterrorism Committee

March 9, 2023