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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Khamenei's faction expose astronomical plunders of Rafsanjani's faction

Iran: Khamenei’s faction expose astronomical plunders of Rafsanjani’s faction

NCRI's Statement: : Khamenei’s faction expose astronomical plunders of Rafsanjani’s faction, a trend reflecting the incurable crisis facing the entire regimeKhamenei’s faction expose astronomical plunders of Rafsanjani’s faction, a trend reflecting the incurable crisis facing the entire regime
NCRI- Fars news agency, affiliated to the Iranian regime’s Revolutioanry Guard Corps (IRGC) close to mullahs Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s faction, in an unprecedented revelation exposed parts of astronomical plunders of the rival faction, especially Hashemi Rafsanjani, head of the regime’s Expediency Council and the Assembly of Experts, and his family. The latest revelations take place in the course of heightening internal feuding within the clerical regime in the run up to the regime’s presidential election.

The 9,500-word report named Rafsanjani’s family as the “Mafia of wealth and power,” “Excellencies of Mafia” and a “deadly infected tumor.” The report stresses that if Rafsanjani’s faction does win the presidential seat then “the country will take a down trend and the national interest will be threatened.”

The report enumerates some of the measures by the “Hashemi Rafsanjani’s dynasty” to include “complete control over the country’s life line in areas such as the industry, money circulation, energy sector, export and import of goods, housing, …” It threatens to continue with the revelations.

Direct attack on Rafsanjani and settling accounts with him as a person who has played a key role since the inception of the clerical rule and currently heading the mullahs’ Assembly of Experts and the Expediency Council, unveils the depth of incurable crisis facing the entire regime in its final phase.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described revelations by the report as the “tip of an iceberg” and a minor part of astounding dimensions of corruption and plunder of the Iranian people’s wealth in which all leaders and factions of the mullahs’ regime are involved. The exposure of the clerical regime’s internal secrets and escalation of infightings have dealt a decisive blow to the regime in its entirety. In these circumstances, no faction can evade the fallouts and whoever becomes the mullahs’ president is doomed to suffer from its scathing and broad consequences.

Some of the aspects unveiled by Fars news agency report are; colossal embezzlements by threats and intimidation using front companies, taking advantage of grants given to oil companies including natural condensed gas company, receiving billions of dollars in foreign oil contracts, handing over large sums of bribes to middlemen dealing with major oil companies such as Total, Elf, Stat Oil and Norinco, using influence within the Oil Ministry to grant contracts to certain targeted companies, forming a shipping line to facilitate smuggling of goods, setting up money laundering network, smuggling antiques and illegal commodities, dominating Kish Island as a free trade zone and making massive profits in trade, holding monopoly of the air industries, taking advantage of the country’s ports and custom services and making huge benefits using special privileges in import and export and smuggling goods through various ports, holding the monopoly of pistachio trade and eliminating minor traders in this business, massive foreign investments such as building highways, luxurious tourist centers, holiday villas in Canada, setting up oil equipment company in Britain, swindling Arab Sheikhs and plundering billions of dollars allocated to foundations dealing with special diseases.

The report states, “Ending of the war… establishing free economy and … benefitted some of the government officials and families of some officials. They gained economic privileges and Hashemi Rafsanjani’s dynasty made greater benefits compared to others due to various reasons.”

Corruption and plunder of wealth by the clerical regime which sets an unprecedented record in today’s world, has been going on while the country is suffering from high inflation, massive unemployment and at least 80 percent of Iranians live under poverty line.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 10, 2009