Iran: Khamenei tasks IRGC with upholding security in Tehran and cracking down on protestors

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 27

NCRI – In the fifth day of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising – with the suppressive State Security Force (SSF), special anti-riot force, paramilitary Bassij, and plainclothes agents unable to contain the protests by the residents of Tehran – the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei late on Tuesday tasked the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) with upholding security in Tehran. Trucks carrying Revolutionary Guards on Wednesday moved to various parts of Tehran.

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 27

NCRI – In the fifth day of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising – with the suppressive State Security Force (SSF), special anti-riot force, paramilitary Bassij, and plainclothes agents unable to contain the protests by the residents of Tehran – the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei late on Tuesday tasked the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) with upholding security in Tehran. Trucks carrying Revolutionary Guards on Wednesday moved to various parts of Tehran.

The despised and illegitimate regime is trying in vain to step up killings and suppression to cling onto power; however, it is unable to counter the Iranian people’s anger, a fraction of which the world has witnessed in recent days.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 17, 2009

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