Iran: Khamenei commanding plans to suppress Friday protests in Tehran



NCRI – Fearful of widespread public protests, Ali Khamenei, mullahs’ Supreme Leader, is personally pursuing and guiding measures to suppress the foreseen demonstrations to be held on Friday September 18.

In one of the meetings held by Vahid Haghani, Executive Director of Khamenei’s office, with commanders of the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the State Security Forces (SSF) and officials of the Ministry of Intelligence and Information (MOIS), the extent of public participation in Friday’s protest was assessed and the ways to suppress and contain it were discussed.

The participants in this meeting, while referring to the significance of cancelling annual religious ceremonies of “Ihya” (night of prayers) normally held at Khomeini’s grave site during Ramadan, stressed on the need to deploy forces along the routs of demonstrations on Friday.

To this end, they have limited the routes leading to Enghelab Square, the final gathering point, to only seven routs which are under the strict control of the regime’s suppressive forces.

According to the plan, the State Security Forces will be stationed along the route wearing their uniforms while members of the IRGC, particularly those from Sarallah Garrison that played a special role in suppression of recent bloody uprisings, will have an active presence in the crowd wearing plainclothes. Other agents of the regime such as prayer leaders of mosques will also be used in this plan.

The IRGC has been assigned the special mission of protecting portraits of the supreme leader of being defaced by people throwing paint at them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17, 2009

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