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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Hundreds of thousands Tehran residents demonstrate against clerical regime

Iran: Hundreds of thousands Tehran residents demonstrate against clerical regime

Student Day protest - Dec 7, 2009Nationwide uprising – Students Day – No. 9

NCRI – According to hundreds of eye witness reports, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in the past five hours in various parts of Tehran against the clerical regime and fought back the suppressive forces.

Protesters in Enghelab Square and streets of Enghelab, Amir Abad Shomali, 16 Azar, Palestine, Kakh and Vali Asr junction are marching and clashing with agents of suppressive State Security Force. They are chanting, “Leader rules like God, people live like beggar,” “Down with Khamenei” and “Down with dictator” and express their hatred against the clerical dictatorship despite unprecedented suppression.

Clashes have been reported at the Fakhr-Razi Street between youths throwing stones at the security forces that attacked them using tear gas. Mullahs’ regime has parked special vehicles in various locations to carry detained protesters to unknown locations.

In Somayye Street, arrested students have been taken to buses designated to transfer detained protesters.

Clashes also have been reported at other locations between demonstrators and the oppressive forces such as Salsabil Junction, Imam Hossein and Baharestan Square. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 7, 2009