Iran: Hundreds of families of detained protesters and martyrs demonstrate in Tehran’s Laleh Park



Nationwide uprising – Statement 199 

Similar protests were held outside “Revolutionary Court” and inside Evin Prison

NCRI – Some 300 members of families of protestors who were arrested during the recent anti-regime demonstrations in Iran gathered on Saturday in Tehran’s Laleh Park as their weekly protest against the mullahs. In order to prevent the people from joining the demonstration, the suppressive State Security Forces (SSF) harassed and expelled the passersby from the park area.

SSF agents tried to break up the gathering by insulting the participants and forcing them to leave the park. The participants split into three groups and continued marching to the park’s main gate. The SSF attacked them by pepper and tear gas.

More than 150 family members of detained protesters gathered outside the mullahs’ “Revolutionary Court” on Saturday to protest the arbitrary imprisonment of their relatives. They carried placards that called for their immediate and unconditional release.

Meanwhile, over a hundred family members gathered inside Evin Prison’s visitors’ hall to enquire about their relatives’ condition. Many families have not received any information regarding their loved ones despite the fact that for months they have been enquiring about them from the clerical regime’s judiciary and prison authorities.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 8, 2009

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