Iran: Growing protest movements in cities

People chant anti-regime slogans such as “Death to dictator”, “Release political prisoner” in Tehran and Yazd

NCRI – The growing unemployment, poverty and price hikes have exacerbated the domain of protest movements in various parts of the country. One may point to some of these protests staged in recent days:

1. Protest by 140 truck-owners in city of Na’in in Isfahan Province to protest the hike in fuel prices that has begun since six days ago. These trucks transfer chickens from poultry to slaughterhouses.

2. In a similar measure since a few days ago, in protest to the increase in diesel fuel, the truck-owners in the city of Behbahan have parked their trucks and refuse to take on cargoes.

3. The strike of taxi agency drivers in Kangan Township in Bushehr Province in protest to the increase in gasoline prices started early last week and is still continuing.

4. Also taxi agency drivers in the city of Bushehr staged protest gatherings in front of governor’s building for two days.

5. On Thursday, May 8, the youth and protestors in the city of Yazd shouted “death to the dictator” in protest to regime’s security forces disrupting a concert. The concert that was held in the Tarbiyat Moalem Hall of Yazd by a traditional music group was disrupted as it was attacked by the Basij and plainclothes agents. The youth and protestors shouted “death to the dictator” to express their abhorrence for this oppressive act.

6. On Saturday, May 10, the students of the Technical Department of Tehran University shouted anti-regime slogans in a meeting held by regime’s elements and called for the release of political prisoners. The protesting students booed the Basij paid hands who participate in the suppression of the students.

7. The students of Khoramabad’s Free University also staged a protest gathering in front of the university on Saturday, May 10, in protest to the expensive rate of commute.

8. The farmers of Zarin Shahr of Isfahan assembled in front of the steel factory on Thursday, May 8, and protested the contamination of Zayandehroud River. The sewage and waste waters of steel and iron production in Isfahan Steel Factory is discharged into Zayandehroud polluting the water of the river. This water contamination has caused various diseases among the poor families who live on the shores of Zayandehroud in cities of Isfahan and Shahr-e Kord.

9. Contract laborers of Water and Sewage Department of city of Ahvaz assembled at Kargar Square on Tuesday, May 6, to protest unpaid salaries and dividends of five months.

10. Workers of Dena Tire Company staged a protest against the insulting behavior of company’s owner with respect to workers’ demands for their delayed payments. This company is among the companies taken over by the revolutionary guards.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 12, 2014

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