Iran: Five arrests on May Day protests in Sanandaj tests in Sanandaj



International Workers’ Day – No. 12

Mullahs’ May Day show ceremony in Qom turned into anti-regime protests

NCRI – In Sanandaj, 100 workers and residents of this city gathered in front of the Emdad Committee and chanted anti-government slogans. The gathering turned into clashes between the suppressive forces and the workers. Five of the protestors were arrested.  The gathering of residents of Sanandaj on Friday night had also turned into clashes with the regime's agents.

The workers of Hamid Ceramics Company in Qom turned the regime's staged meeting on the occasion of International Workers’ Day that took place in Hosseinieh Eshq Ali Mosque into an event against the regime's anti-labor policies.

The workers disrupted the speech of Talebi, the regime's appointed Head of "House of Workers." Despite the fact that the workers were not given permission to talk, they yelled their protests.

Talebi condemned the gathering of workers in front of the provincial office under the pretext that it would be exploited by the foreign media.

The workers ridiculed his remarks and prevented him from continuing his talks. They protested that they should not forgo their rights, and their justified demands should not be suppressed under the pretext that it would be used by the foreign media.

The workers said that a regime that feels threatened by a gathering of workers and uses anti-riot guards to suppress workers is devoid of any credibility.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 1, 2010   

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