Iran: Fire Festival festivities held in cities throughout the country


Slogan of “Death to Khamenei; death to the principle of velayat-e faqih”; Khamenei’s picture set ablaze

On Tuesday, March 15, Iranian people held Fire Festival ceremonies in various cities in the face of the mullahs’ regime; thereby symbolizing their loath for this suppressive and anti-Iranian regime.

On Tuesday morning, in an absurd fatwa regarding the Fire Festival, Khamenei stated: “The Fire Festival has no basis in the Sharia and is best avoided.”

Mullah Nasser Makarem Shirazi from Khamenei’s faction said that “ignorant people have brought superstitious rituals such as the Fire Festival into their lives, but it should be avoided. People who throw noisy firecrackers onto the streets should know that they will be held answerable on the Day of Judgment”.

State Security Forces (SSF) commanders in various cities also resorted to threatening people. Issa Darai, SSF commander of Khuzestan said: “To bring security to the last Tuesday of the year, the provincial security forces are on full alert.” He acknowledged that on Election Day, 25000 security forces and Revolutionary Guards had been deployed to ensure ‘security’ in the province. But despite all the threats and fearful statements by the regime’s officials, the people of Tehran, Tabriz, Qazvin, Ahvaz, Urmia, Sanandaj, Kermanshah, and elsewhere largely held the Fire Festival.

In Tehran, courageous youth wrote “Death to the principle of velayat-e faqih (clerical rule)” on Khomeini’s picture at Vali Asr Square to welcome the Fire Festival, and there was a clash between people and the anti-riot forces there where the youths set one garbage bin on fire.

Special Guard units are stationed in various parts of the city, including Rezais (Hafte Tir) Square and Vanak and Tajrish, who prevent people’s commute. Most of the garbage bins had been removed from the streets by the regime’s officials in fear that they would be set on fire by the youths.

The people of Tabriz and the youths in this city commemorated the Fire Festival by putting up flyers on the walls that read: “Death to the principal of velayat-e faqih”, “Year 95 [New Persian year of 1395] is the year of overthrow of the regime”.

In the city of Yazd, the youths set the picture of Khamenei, the regime’s Supreme Leader, on fire.

In Qazvin, around 20 security forces were stationed on each street, but young people ignored their massive presence and exploded handmade sonic booms and firecrackers amongst them.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 15, 2016

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