Iran: Families of detainees of November 4 protests gather outside mullahs’ “Revolutionary Court”

 Nov. 4 nationwide uprising – Statement 19 

NCRI – Over 150 family members of those arrested during the November 4 uprising gathered in front of the regime’s ‘Revolutionary Court’ protesting the arbitrary arrest of their children and relatives, reported the Social Headquarter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization inside Iran today, November 7.  Holding placards, the families called for unconditional release of the arrestees. A number of people joined this protest in support of the families.

Security forces, plainclothes and intelligence agents of the mullahs tried to take away the placards by vicious attacks and derogatory comments but were confronted by families’ resistance.

Nov. 4 nationwide uprising – Statement 19

NCRI – Over 150 family members of those arrested during the November 4 uprising gathered in front of the regime’s ‘Revolutionary Court’ protesting the arbitrary arrest of their children and relatives, reported the Social Headquarter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization inside Iran today, November 7.  Holding placards, the families called for unconditional release of the arrestees. A number of people joined this protest in support of the families.

Security forces, plainclothes and intelligence agents of the mullahs tried to take away the placards by vicious attacks and derogatory comments but were confronted by families’ resistance.

Also on November 5, dozens of the families of those detained gathered outside Vozara detention center, Revolutionary Court, and Evin prison to follow up on the state of their loved ones. They also faced vicious, offensive, and humiliating reactions from regime agents.

Many young women between ages of 20 to 30 are among those arrested. Mullahs’ henchmen refuse to respond to families’ enquiries.

Some of the women arrested are held in Vozara detention center in inhuman conditions.  Regime agents are keeping pressure on them by holding them in cells with no hygiene and without any access to sanitation. The overwhelming density of prisoners without the possibility of rest and hunger are other means of putting pressure on prisoners.

Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights organizations specially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN working groups on arbitrary detentions and torture to condemn brutal suppression of demonstrators. It also calls on them to adopt urgent measures to get detainees released.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 7, 2009

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