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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Families demonstrate for release of political prisoners, against mullahs' kangaroo courts

Iran: Families demonstrate for release of political prisoners, against mullahs’ kangaroo courts

 NCRI – While the Iranian regime’s kangaroo court continue with its ridiculous show trials of political prisoners accused of bogus charge of “mohareb” (enemy of God) and issue death sentences, people are increasingly calling for the release of political prisoners as their main demand and the slogan of “Free political prisoners” has become more widespread.

Protest by more than 2,000 mothers and families of those killed or detained during the uprising and political prisoners outside Tehran’s notorious Evin prison on Saturday, January 30, continued through midnight till early hours of Sunday. They were protesting against the ongoing detention of their children and showing their outrage and anger against hanging of two political prisoners and kangaroo trials.

In the meantime, and following persistent protests by the families, the regime was forced to release a number of detainees. Those who were released insisted on the need to continue with protests to get all political prisoners released and underlined the just demands of the detainees.

The clerical regime has so far sentenced 11 to death charged with mohareb and a number of other prisoners are being tried for the same charge. The so called prosecutor of the regime has read out their charges as: “Moharebeh (waging war on God) through supporting the PMOI and having links with it; organizing gathering and collusion with the intention of committing offences against the security of the country in cooperation with Sara, Reyhaneh and Mohsen; publicity activities against the state establishment and in favor of the enemies, Monafeqin (derogatory term used by the regime for PMOI), terrorists and …”

On January 18, Salalvati, mullahs’ prosecutor said: “Since the core of the PMOI has not been eradicated, Article 186 of the Islamic Punishment Act would still apply to the PMOI.” In accordance with this article, “As long as the core of that organization remains in place, all of its members and supporters … are mohareb [enemies of God], even if they are not involved in its armed wing.”

Prior to this, mullah Ebrahim Raeesi, First Deputy of the regime’s Judiciary Chief and one of the mullahs’ officials responsible for the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988, had said: “The PMOI is an organized movement,” and “anyone who helps the PMOI under any circumstances and in any way … will be considered as mohareb.” Raeesi had emphasized that using sticks and stones would also deserve the “moharebeh” charge, which carries the death penalty (State-run TV, December 30, 2009).

The execution of two political prisoners and discredited show trials held in the run up to the anniversary of the revolution on February 11, are aimed to intensify the atmosphere of intimidation and terror in the society, but all these revolting acts only provoke widespread outrage among people in Iran and the conscience of human society.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 1, 2010