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HomeStatementsIran: Rouhani, Khamenei Admit Widespread Boycott

Iran: Rouhani, Khamenei Admit Widespread Boycott

Ali Khmenei and Hassan Rouhani

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Rouhani, Khamenei Admit Widespread Boycott

People’s Apathy Towards the Election Charade Khamenei Paves the Way for Large-Scale Fraud by Ordering Distribution of Millions of Additional Ballots

Sham Election – No. 1

Rouhani, Khamenei admit widespread boycott, people’s apathy towards the election charade

Khamenei paves the way for large-scale fraud by ordering distribution of millions of additional ballots

On the eve of the election masquerade, Hassan Rouhani pleaded to the people not to shun the election farce, saying, “Let’s go to the ballot box. There may be some grievances in mind. We should ignore those complaints for tomorrow’s election! If what happened in the past few weeks resulted in apathy towards the election, making it impossible to heat it up, the people themselves can remedy that … Many of our enemies worldwide want the voting queues tomorrow to be sparse. Let us not allow their dreams come true.”

Yesterday, in response to the widespread boycott of the election charade, Khamenei acknowledged the peoples’ hatred of the clerical regime and said: “Those who are reluctant or discouraged to participate in the elections are from the poor sectors of society, the deprived sectors of society. I am aware of this from the polls. The deprived sectors have fair expectations, and they are complaining because these expectations have not been met, their livelihood, housing, etc.  These people are complaining, so they don’t want to vote and say, what is the benefit of participating in the election?”

Nevertheless, to pave the way for large-scale fraud and rigging the results, Khamenei ordered that ballots be provided in the polling stations.  In a blatant lie, he said, “The problem of the shortage of ballots is one of the problems that we have continuously encountered. They repeatedly complained that sometimes there are no ballots at a polling station… They (administration) must resolve this problem, do not let the polling stations remain without ballots, or experience delays or shortages.” Meanwhile, after meeting with governors, Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said on June 15, “In the eight years that we have conducted the elections, we have never had a shortage of ballots in any of the polling stations.”

In another development, there have been reports that millions of ballots have been sent abroad for Iranian expatriates!

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 17, 2021
