Iran: Detained Lawyers under torture and pressures to make false confessions

National Council of Resistance of Iran


Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 119

NCRI – The clerical regime has increased pressure on detained lawyers and jurists, namely Mohammad Ali Dadkhah and Abdulfatah Soltani, to force them to make false confessions.

In a well-known tactic by the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, Mr. Dadkhah has been accused of keeping drugs and weapons at his office. The authorities refuse to give any information on his whereabouts or his state despite persistent enquiries by his family. They also prevent the lawyer’s team from working on his case.

Mr. Soltani was arrested after filing complaints against Tehran’s prosecutor Mortazavi and Rasekh, a criminal judge. He has been charged with “acting against national security and causing doubts on election results.” He was transferred to notorious ward 209 of Evin prison in Tehran after two weeks of detention. He is reported to be in a poor state and pressures on him continue.

One of the regime’s henchmen, Saeedi, is putting pressure on the detained lawyers and jurists to extract false confessions from them.

The Iranian Resistance warns against continuing torture and pressure on detained lawyers, especially Mr. Dadkhah and Soltani, and calls on all competent international bodies, human rights organizations and International Bar Association to condemn clerical regime’s suppressive measures against lawyers and jurists in Iran and take urgent measures to get them released. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 24, 2009


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