Iran: Demonstration of Protesting Workers and Teachers in Tehran, Kermanshah and Kerman


Demonstrators’ slogan: “Poverty line: $900; our salary:$300”

On the morning of Sunday, December 4, cities of Tehran and Kermanshah witnessed mass demonstration of retired teachers, protesting workers, and various sectors of society.

In Tehran and coincident with Rouhani’s speech, more than 2000 retired teachers, those looted by the state institution called ‘Saamen al-Hojaj’, and workers of glass and gas company staged a demonstration in front of the regime’s parliament.

They protested against the regime’s predatory policies, poor living conditions, and low wages. Retired teachers chanted, “poverty line: 3 million; our salary: 1 million”, “Livelihood, dignity is our inalienable right”. They carried banners saying: “Teacher is awake, hates discrimination”, “Free medical treatment is the retired right”, “Retired teachers do not deserve such a living”.

Coincident with teachers in Tehran, retired teachers in Kermanshah held a protest gathering outside the Retirement Fund building. They carried banners saying: “Teachers are awake, hate discrimination”.

Meanwhile, the drivers and workers of Tehran Bus Company protested in front of Tehran city park following a call in advance. They protested against poor living conditions and plundering their assets by Tehran municipality under the excuse of constructing houses. They also protested against indiscriminate and illegal privatization of Tehran and suburbs Bus Company.

In fear of the spread of the demonstration whose participants were increasing any moment, the suppressive forces blocked Behesht and Khayyam avenues and the terminal called ‘Fayyaz Bakhsh’, and planned to push the drivers outside the terminal by beating them. Plain-clothed forces attacked the demonstrators with batons, beat and wounded some of them and arrested at least 30 protesters who were all members of workers syndicate of Bus Company, and transferred them to the suppression organ called “security police” in Arc square. However, in fear of the reaction of angry workers they were forced to release them. The name of one of the mercenaries who led suppression of demonstrators was Colonel Jaafari.

Demonstrators demanded resignation of Qalibaf, the thief and criminal mayor of the regime. They also chanted: “suffering workers lack housing”, “Manager has looted all housing facilities”, “Homelessness is ours, billion-toman house is yours”, “and privatization has turned to our slow death “,” Security Force, shame, shame!”

Disadvantaged workers of Mashouni mine in Kerman too held a gathering to protest not receiving their meager salaries that are long overdue. By closing the entrance gate, the workers prevented entry and exit of vehicles to the mine.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2016

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