IRAN: Defiant Youths Torch Symbols and Suppressive Centers of Mullahs’ Regime in Different Cities

In the period between September 29 through October 2, 2019, defiant youths torched symbols of the mullahs’ regime and posters of Khomeini and Khamenei in different cities in Iran including Tehran, Ahvaz, Orumiyeh, Neyshabur, Amol, Sabzevar, Kuhdasht, Bandar-Abbas, Khoy and Mahshahr.

Defiant youths posted in public pictures of the Iranian Resistance’s leadership alongside slogans such as “We must and we should rid ourselves of oppression and injustice,” “We must and we should overthrow the mullahs’ regime”, “Long live Rajavi, down with Khamenei.” 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 3, 2019


Tehran- A Bassij base


Neyshabur-A Bassij base

Sabzevar-A Bassij base

Kuhdasht- Mullahs’ teachings center

Orumiyeh – Khamenei’s poster

Bandar Abbas – Khamenei’s billboard

Khoy – Khamenei’s billboard

Rudsar – Billboard belonging to the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)

Tehran – Khamenei’s billboard

Orumiyeh – Khamenei’s billboard

Orumiyeh – Khamenei’s billboard

Mahshahr – Khamenei’s billboard


Posting Resistance leadership’s pictures

Tehran- A poster of the President-elect Maryam Rajavi hung from a pass over on a motorway. The sign reads “Maryam Rajavi: I call on you to support the uprisings-September 2019”

Shiraz- A poster of Massoud Rajavi, leader of the Iranian resistance. The sign reads “Hail to Rajavi, down with Khamenei-September 2019”

Ahvaz-A poster of Maryam Rajavi hung from the pass over on one of the motorways. The sign reads Maryam Rajavi: “Yes, We can and we must overthrow the Velayat-e Faqih regime. September 2019”

Yazd- Maryam Rajavi’s poster. The sign reads “Freedom, democracy with Maryam Rajavi”

Amol-Maryam Rajavi’s poster hung from a motorway sign. The Sign reads “We can and we must annihilate the suppression. September 2019”




In a major campaign, the rebellious youths have set ablaze pictures of Khamenei, Khamenei and billboard and signs promoting the mullahs’ regime in cities across Iran demonstrating Iranian people’s loathing for the regime and a deep desire for change in Iran.

Last week, on the anniversary of September 27, 1981 uprising in Tehran, the Rebellious Youths torched large posters of Khomeini, Khamenei and a number of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and Bassij bases in different cities across Iran between September 22 and 27, 2019. The youths also posted pictures of the Iranian Resistance’s Leadership on walls and overpasses of different cities and signs with anti-government slogans such as Death to Khamenei, Long live freedom and Democracy and Freedom with Maryam Rajavi. These activities were carried out in cities such as Tehran, Tabriz, Shahr-e-Rey, Mashhad, Shiraz, Kermanshah, Orumiyeh, Ilam, Zahedan, Khoy, Ramsar, Omidiyeh, Chaboksar.

On September 27, 1981, the youths, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated chanting “Death to Khomeini” for the first time in central Tehran since 1979. Members of the IRGC opened fire to the crowd killing hundreds and arresting many more. The detainees were executed on the same day or the days that followed. The MEK has published names of 1142 fallen martyrs of the September 27th.

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