IRAN: Defiant Youths Torch Repressive Centers in Tehran, Other Cities

IRAN: Defiant Youths Torch Repressive Centers in Tehran, Other Cities

From November 10 thru Nov. 13, 2019, the defiant youths torched the bases of the paramilitary Bassij and the IRGC, as well as regime’s seminaries in different parts of Tehran and other Iranian cities, including Qazvin, Zanjan (north central), Mashhad (northeast), Marand (northwest), Behbahan (south-central), Hendijan (central), and Khorram-Abad (west).

In Tehran, the paramilitary Hassan Bagheri Bassij and the so-called Ghamar Bani-Hashem bases, in Marand and Hendijan, the so-called Fatima Az-Zahra seminaries, and in Mashhad, the Tahura Bassij base were targeted by the defiant youths.

These activities were undertaken while the mullahs’ regime had placed its suppressive forces on maximum alert subsequent to the dramatic increase in the activities of the defiant youths in November.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

November 14, 2019

Tehran – The so-called Ghamar Bani-Hashem paramilitary Bassij Base

Tehran – the so-called Martyr Hassan Bagheri Bassij Base

Tehran, Palestine Street – The Paramilitary Bassij Base

Mashhad – The paramilitary Tahura Bassij base

Zanjan – Banner glorifying the dead Basijis

Qazvin – Banner, Khamenei’s picture praising the war dead

Marand, East Azerbaijan Province – the so-called Fatima Az-Zahra Seminary

Khorram-Abad – Followers of Chastity Bassij Base

Hendijan – Isfahan Province – The so-called Az-Zahra Seminary

 Behbahan – The Paramilitary Bassij Base

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