Iran: Defiant Youths Targeted SSF Command Center in Mahabad in Response to the Murder of Kurdish Porters


Defiant youths in Mahabad responded to the murder of hard-working Kurdish porters by targeting the State Security Force (SSF) Command Headquarters in the city. The sound of successive explosions reverberated through the area.

In their latest atrocity, the agents of the border regiment of the repressive SSF in Baneh callously ran over Mohammad Latif Ahmadpour, a Kurdish compatriot with a car. He succumbed to his injuries after four days in the hospital. The Governor of Baneh contacted Ahmadpour’s family and threatened them that his body should be buried in secret at midnight without public notice.

The repressive SSF Command in Mahabad bears responsibility for suppressing the Kurdish Peshmerga and crushing the uprisings and protests of the city’s people and youth.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

April 25, 2023

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