Iran: Defiant Youth Target Regime’s Repressive Units

Iran: Defiant Youth Target Regime's Repressive Units
Andimeshk – Setting fire to the entrance sign of the center for recruiting and training terrorists – July 3, 2020

The defiant youth in Tehran and other cities, including Qom, Isfahan, Andimeshk, Khorramabad, Gorgan, Karaj, Babolsar, etc., set fire to the entrances of the regime’s centers of repression and terrorism.

These activities took place despite the regime’s extensive repressive measures and the increase in executions in various cities. The actions by the defiant youth included setting fire to the IRGC’s repressive Basij centers in Tehran, Isfahan, Qom, Babolsar, Karaj, and to the regime’s centers for training and recruiting terrorism in Tehran and Andimeshk.

The activities also included setting fire to the center of the plunder of the regime in Tehran, and burning the images of Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani in Tehran, Khorramabad, Qom, and Gorgan.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

July 13, 2020

Babolsar – Torching the entrance sign of the repressive Basij force – July 17, 2020
Gorgan – Torching large banners of the regime – July 14, 2020
Isfahan – Torching the entrance of the repressive Basij center – Friday, July 3, 2020
Karaj – Setting alight the entrance and the sign of the repressive Basij force – July 18, 2020
Khorramabad – Setting alight a large banner of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the terrorist Quds force – July 3, 2020
Qom – Setting alight the entrance of the repressive Basij force – Friday, July 3, 2020
Qom – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s banner – July 4, 2020۹۹
Qom- Torching the entrance sign for the repressive Basij force – July 6, 2020
Tehran – Setting fire on the entrance of the plundering center of the regime – July 4, 2020
Tehran – Targeting the center for recruiting and training terrorists – July 11, 2020
Tehran – Torching large posters of Khomeini and Khamenei on the overpass – July 17, 2020
Tehran – Torching the entrance sign of the repressive Basij force – July 21, 2020
Tehran (Qods city) – Torching the entrance sign of the repressive Basij force – July 21, 2020
Andimeshk – Setting fire to the entrance sign of the center for recruiting and training terrorists – July 3, 2020
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