Iran: Defiant Youth Target Regime’s Court in Shiraz Which Sentenced Navid Afkari to Death


Shiraz- The so-called court that sentenced Navid Afkari to death – September 27, 2020

In the early hours of Sunday, September 27, 2020, in protest against the criminal execution of Navid Afkari, the Iranian national wrestling champion, the defiant youth targeted the court in Shiraz, which issued his death sentence and set fire to its entrance.

The execution of Navid Afkari, arrested for participating in the 2018 uprising, led to a wave of international and domestic condemnation. In the past two weeks, defiant youth in various cities, including in Shiraz, Navid’s hometown, wrote graffiti and distributed leaflets condemning Afkari’s execution and the execution sentences for other detained protesters. They wrote, “fire is the answer to execution.” The people of Shiraz welcomed the targeting of the regime’s court in Shiraz, which took place while the regime’s repressive forces were on maximum alert.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
September 27, 2020

Shiraz- The so-called court that sentenced Navid Afkari to death – September 27, 2020


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