Iran: Day 15 of nationwide uprising; Protests and clashes continue in Tehran

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 56

NCRI – On the 15th day of the nationwide uprising, on Saturday, residents of Tehran, particularly women and girls, gathered in the roads leading to Laleh Park, Towhid Street and Keshavarz Boulevard, in memory of those martyred in recent days. Suppressive forces, who had been positioned at these locations prior to the gathering, attacked the protestors to prevent them from reaching Laleh Park.

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 56 

NCRI – On the 15th day of the nationwide uprising, on Saturday, residents of Tehran, particularly women and girls, gathered in the roads leading to Laleh Park, Towhid Street and Keshavarz Boulevard, in memory of those martyred in recent days. Suppressive forces, who had been positioned at these locations prior to the gathering, attacked the protestors to prevent them from reaching Laleh Park.

By 7:30pm local time, at least five protestors had been injured and many more arrested.

Separately, merchants at the Tehran bazaar went on strike on Saturday in protest to the murder of defenseless people by the suppressive forces. Much of the bazaar was closed, including the carpet-sellers section, and much trading had stopped.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 27, 2009

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