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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestIran: Cruel death sentence issued for another uprising detainee

Iran: Cruel death sentence issued for another uprising detainee

 NCRI – The clerical regime has announced that another one of the protestors detained during the Ashura (December 27) uprising has been sentenced to death by the so-called Islamic Revolutionary Court, while 8 others have been “sentenced to prison terms” (state-run media, February 9, 2010). This cruel sentence comes following the senseless hanging of two political prisoners on January 28 and the sentencing of 9 other prisoners to execution based on the mullahs’ self-made charge of “moharebeh” (waging war on God).

Among the charges levied against the accused are moharebeh, forming gatherings, and colluding against the absolute clerical rule as well as carrying out publicity campaigns against it. The clerical regime refuses to disclose the names and details of the prisoner sentenced to death as well as the date of arrest.

Condemning political prisoners to execution, putting them on trial for “moharebeh” and hanging them in the run-up to the February 11 scheduled uprising marks new heights of brutality committed by the mullahs’ medieval regime, while also displaying its utter desperation in the face of the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising.

The religious fascism’s attempts to resort to such gruesome crimes strengthen the resolve of the people and youth to participate in uprisings and uproot the medieval theocracy. They will continue their courageous protests until the regime’s defeat and establishment of freedom and democracy in their homeland.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, Security Council and all international human rights authorities to adopt urgent and binding measures to free political prisoners and put on trial the leaders of the clerical regime as well as those responsible for suppression, murder, and torture on charges of crimes against humanity.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 10, 2010