Iran: Brutal attack on demonstrators in front of state radio and television station

Nationwide uprising in Iran – Statement 18

NCRI – This evening, June 16, suppressive forces attacked demonstrators in front of the state radio and television station with batons and daggers while they were leaving the place, wounding and arresting a large number of them.

Since 6:00 pm, some 20,000 people of Tehran staged a protest in front of state radio and television station. This gathering that lasted several hours was silent and without any slogans.

When around 10:00 pm the crowd started to disperse, special anti-riot guards unit and plain clothes agents, secret security agents and other suppressive forces attacked them and assaulted them with batons and daggers.

A large number of people took refuge in local residents' homes but suppressive forces and especially plain clothes agents dragged them out of the houses beating and wounding them. The plain clothes agents were up to 1,000.

Several demonstrators were wounded or arrested. Details will be given in subsequent statements.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 16, 2009

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