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Iran: At least 48 people arrested at Azadi Street

 International Workers’ Day – No. 16

NCRI – According to reports obtained from inside the Iranian regime, at least 48 people have been arrested as a result of protest gatherings and clashes between the regime’s security forces and the courageous workers and youths in front of the Ministry of Labor in Tehran.

At about 16:00 local time, a man aged between 30 and 35 was arrested at Behboudi Street. He was carrying a placard that read, “Workers: Recognize that a right must be taken; What is just will survive and what is unjust will vanish.”  Anyone carrying a camera or cell phone was brutally suppressed. A number of them were detained. The detainees were then taken inside the Labor Ministry as well as to police stations no. 108 and no. 118.

The clerical regime also used a number of helicopters hovering over central parts of Tehran, including Azadi, Enqelab, and Sattar Khan, to identify gathering locations of protestors.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 1, 2010