Iran: Activities of the Defiant Youth in Tehran and Other Cities to Break the Atmosphere of Terror and Intimidation

Iran: Activities of the Defiant Youth in Tehran and Other Cities to Break the Atmosphere of Terror and Intimidation
Tehran – Torching center of recruiting and training terrorism – July 23, 2020

The defiant youth in Tehran and other cities targeted regime’s centers of repression and export of terrorism, and torched their entrances. The activities took place in Tehran and other cities including Khorramabad, Zahedan, Qom, Ivanaki (Semnan), Shadegan, Shahinshahr, Rasht, Mamulan, Karaj, Gorgan, Astaneh-ye Ashrafiyeh, Qaemshahr, Babolsar, Javanrud, Dezful, Dorud, and Tabriz.

These activities, aimed at breaking the atmosphere of terror and intimidation, targeted centers of the repressive Basij and IRGC, mullahs’ seminaries, centers for recruiting and training terrorists, centers for plundering the people’s wealth, and command centers of the criminal State Security Force. The activities also included torching posters and banners of regime Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, and the eliminated Qassem Soleimani, the notorious commander of the terrorist Quds Force.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

August 1, 2020

Astaneh-ye Ashrafiyeh – Torching the Ministry of Intelligence banner – July 27, 2020
Babolsar & Qaemshahr – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s banner – July 27, 2020
Dezful, Javanrud, Tabriz, Dorud – Torching banners of Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani – July 27, 2020
Dezful, Javanrud, Tabriz, Dorud – Torching banners of Khamenei and Qassem Soleimani – July 27, 2020
Golestan & Gorgan – Setting alight IRGC’s banners – July 27, 2020
Isfahan – Torching Qassem Soleimani’s large banner – July 27, 2020
Karaj – Setting fire to the repressive Basij center’s entrance – July 27, 2020
Khorramabad – Setting alight the Ministry of Intelligence banner – July 23, 2020
Khorramabad – Setting fire to Regime’s Judiciary center named after Qassem Soleimani – July 23, 2020
Khorramabad – Torching the banner of the Repressive Basij – July 23, 2020
Khorramabad – Torching the banner of the repressive Jihadi center – July 23, 2020
Mamulan (Lorestan) – Targeting the Friday prayer’s office – July 27, 2020
Qom – Torching Khamenei’s large banner – July 23, 2020
Qom – Torching repressive Basij center – July 23, 2020
Qom & Ivanaki (Semnan) – Torching the entrance to the repressive Basij center – July 23, 2020
Rasht – Setting alight the repressive Basij center – July 23, 2020
Shadegan – Targeting the Criminal SSF command center – July 23, 2020
Shahinshahr – Setting alight the repressive Basij center – July 23, 2020
Tehran – Torching center of recruiting and training terrorism – July 23, 2020
Tehran – Torching Khomeini and Khamenei’s banners – July 27, 2020
Tehran and Shahr-e-ray – Torching large banner of Basij, and Khamenei’s poster (Shar-e-ray), and Qassem Soleimani’s banner – July 23, 2020
Zahedan – Targeting center of repression & torching Khamenei and Soleimani’s posters – July 23, 2020
Zahedan – Torching Banners of Khamenei – July 27, 2020
Zahedan -Torching the entrance of the center for plunder of public resources – July 23, 2020


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