Iran: A young girl and a boy ran over by vehicles in Vali Asr Square

 Nationwide uprising – Ashura 23

NCRI – Suppressive forces are driving their vehicles into the crowd and running over protestors with high speed in order to create fear.

In Vali Asr, SSF vehicles run over a girl and a boy who were chanting slogans. The vehicles went over them twice to crush them under their wheels.

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 23

NCRI – Suppressive forces are driving their vehicles into the crowd and running over protestors with high speed in order to create fear.

In Vali Asr, SSF vehicles run over a girl and a boy who were chanting slogans. The vehicles went over them twice to crush them under their wheels.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 27, 2009

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