Iran: A Night of Wrath, Anger and Hit and Run Clashes Across the Country


Iran Protest-No. 136

Innocent protesters were killed, and suppressive agents punished. Defenseless people in Izeh (Khuzistan province) were killed by Khamenei’s plainclothes agents, yet another crime against humanity

On Wednesday evening, November 6, on the 62nd day of the uprising, people staged night protests in Tehran and many other cities. While chanting “Death to the dictator,” “Death to Khamenei,” and “This year is the year of sacrifice; Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” they set roadblocks by fire and clashed with suppressive agents. Guards opened fire on people in several cities, and as a result, several were killed or wounded. In Izeh in Khuzestan province, the regime’s agents perpetrated yet another crime against humanity by killing and wounding a large number of people. They targeted protesters with machine guns.  Several security forces and paramilitary Basij personnel, as well as plainclothes agents, were punished by youths.

In Tehran, people protested in Enghelab Square, Tehran Pars, Shahrak Gharb, and Saadat Abad. Women chanted, “Down with Khamenei. We don’t want a child-killing government” at the Tehran metro station.  Ziba Shahr and Haravi Street were the scenes of night protests by people chanting “Death to the dictator” and ” Mullahs must get lost.”

Youths in Arak set ablaze the so-called “promotion of virtue and prevention of vice” headquarters by throwing Molotov cocktails. Youths in Abdanan (south of Ilam Province) set alight a Basij statue. In Izeh, people set the center of theology on fire. In Junaqan (SW Iran), youths attacked a Basij base. Plainclothes agents in Sari (North) targeted protesters with direct shots. In the Shahnaz district of Tabriz, the regime’s agents shot protesters. Borhan Karami was slain due to a direct shooting by guards in Kamiyaran (Kurdistan).

Several cities such as Gohardasht, Fardis Karaj, Rasht, Babol, Behshahr, Saqqez, Bukan, Shahr Kurd, Hafshejan, Durood, Bijar, Abdanan, Khonj, Larestan, Bandar Abbas, Sar Bandar Mahshahr and Abadeh were the scene of people’s night protests by chanting, “death to Khamenei and death to the dictator.” In Shahryar, Ilam, and Mehran, people’s protests led to clashes with security forces. In Eslamshahr, people took to the street at night chanting, “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the Leader (Khamenei).” In Saveh, people protested in Shariati Street and set alight a bus of the security forces.

Sanandaj was the scene of protest and setting roadblocks with fire. Protest in the evening by the people of Kermanshah led to fierce clashes with the regime’s agents. In Ravansar (Kermanshah Province) youths blocked roads using Molotov cocktails and chanted “Death to the dictator”. In Mahabad, repressive agents shot at people. In Urmia, there was a night protest from the telecommunication center to the army hospital, and regime agents shot at the people. In Qorveh (Kurdistan Province), people punished a paramilitary Basij agent.

In Mashhad, people clashed with security agents who fired tear gas at them on Kolahdoz street. Also, in the Mashhad subway station, suppressive agents began beating protesters. In Sabzevar (Razavi Khorasan), the protesters set fire to a motorcycle of Basiji agents as well as a large government banner in the city square. In Lakan (Rasht), people tore down road signs and blocked roads. In Hamedan, people took to the streets and clashed with security forces; hit-and-run continued at the university square.

Protest by youths in Foulad Shahr (Isfahan Province) led to an intense clash with the regime’s suppressive agents. In Kerman, people also staged a protest while chanting, ” This year is the year of sacrifice; Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown,” and set a large banner on fire. In Larestan, youths engaged in a battle with suppressive agents and forced them to flee. Semirom (Isfahan province) was also the scene of hit-and-run clashes with security agents.

On Wednesday evening, November 25, the IRGC announced that two members of the Basij force were killed by “rioters,” and also seven security forces and one Basij agent were wounded.


Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 16, 2022

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