Iran: 1,000 students demonstrated in Tehran chanting “Death to dictator”

NCRI – In a major demonstration in Tehran on Tuesday, more than 1,000 students chanted, "Death to dictator," "Ahmadinejad is like [Augusto] Pinochet, but Iran would never be another Chile" and "Free the jailed students," on the Polytechnic (Ami Kabir) University. 

Their protest came after the mullahs' judiciary announced last week that the three detained students from the school have each been sentenced to around two years in jail on charges of insulting the authorities. The protesters demanded the release of the jailed students.

NCRI – In a major demonstration in Tehran on Tuesday, more than 1,000 students chanted, "Death to dictator," "Ahmadinejad is like [Augusto] Pinochet, but Iran would never be another Chile" and "Free the jailed students," on the Polytechnic (Ami Kabir) University. 

Their protest came after the mullahs' judiciary announced last week that the three detained students from the school have each been sentenced to around two years in jail on charges of insulting the authorities. The protesters demanded the release of the jailed students.

The demonstrators resisted suppressive measures and threats by the regime’s agents while shouting anti-government slogans. The mullahs' regime had dispatched scores of security guards from nearby universities to help disperse the gathering.

The demonstration was so extensive that the regime could not conceal it and in a rare move the state-run media had to report it

"While chanting slogans against intelligence ministry officials, students named President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as being responsible for corruption and discrimination. By chanting slogans against university guards, the students clashed with them," reported the semi-official news agency Fars.

By lauding the Polytechnic University students for their protest, the Iranian Resistance calls on other students and youth in Tehran to support their move. It also calls on all international human rights organizations especially student unions to condemn suppressive policies of the mullahs' regime against Iranian students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 23, 2008 

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