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Iran: 10 protestors injured after IRGC members fired at crowds in Tehran’s Arya Shahr

File Photo: Injured protestor, June 15, 2009February 11 Uprising – Statement no. 11

10 protestors injured after IRGC members fired at crowds in Tehran’s Arya Shahr
Violent attacks of regime agents against female protestors

NCRI – Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have opened fire on people from inside their trucks in Tehran’s Arya Shahr area. At least 10 people have been injured. Brave Iranian youths continue hit and run tactics and clashes with the regime’s suppressive forces.

At Taleqani and Vali Asr intersection, people have clashed with suppressive forces. The agents attacked passengers in a car who were chanting anti-regime slogans, violently puled out a young man from the car and took him away.

The agents also arrested several women under the pretext o mal-veiling. Another female protestor was arrested for merely wearing a mask. State Security Forces (SSF) specifically target and injure women.

At Enqelab Square and surrounding areas, suppressive forces attack protestors chanting anti-regime slogans to disperse them, and severely beat people. The agents search women’s purses and use insults and violent behavior to repress the protestors.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 11, 2010