Intense clashes between people and suppressive forces in Tehran

Nationwide uprising – Ashura 1

NCRI – Since 11:00 o’clock this morning local time, intense clashes have been going on between people and the suppressive forces.

On the occasion of the holy day of Tasua groups of people went into streets chanting “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to dictator.” The suppressive forces including Special Riot Units, State Security Forces, Bassij Paramilitary, Revolutionary Guards and plainclothes agents have been attacking demonstrators marching towards Enqelab Square. They are beating protesters with batons and firing teargas and pepper gas to disperse them.

Clashes between people and suppressive forces that began from Pol-e Choubi have expanded to Enqelad Street, Vali Asr Street, Ferdowsi Square and other parts of Tehran.

The regime's agents even attack the passing cars that are honking their horns and destroy them.

Meanwhile, a large number of suppressive forces including from the Special Unit of SSF, forces from the 129 Jami and 148 Enqelab Police precincts are stationed in Azadi Street from Navab-Safavi Junction to Enqelab Square and from Enqelab Square to Vali Asr junction.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 26, 2009

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