150 Operational Strikes by Resistance Units and Defiant Youth Across Iran on the Anniversary of November 2019 Uprising


Targeting IRGC and Basij bases and foundations and seminaries of looting and corruption related to mullahs

  Ceremony of honoring 1500 martyrs, projecting images, and installing banners and posters of the Resistance Leadership

In commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the November 2019 uprising, during which 1500 protesters lost their lives at the hands of oppressive forces, Resistance Units, and defiant youth in Tehran and various cities throughout Iran conducted operations from November 14 to 16. In 150 anti-repression operations, they targeted 150 suppression centers affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard, Basij, judicial institutions of the regime, and organizations involved in looting and corruption linked to the mullahs as well as the regime’s symbols.

Numerous Basij bases and the regime’s suppression, espionage, and looting centers were targeted with incendiary materials, resulting in the burning of buildings, signs, and entrances of these facilities. Additionally, dozens of billboards, banners, and posters featuring Khomeini, Khamenei, Raisi, and Qasem Soleimani were set ablaze in various cities.

Resistance Units projected images of the leaders of the Resistance, Mr. Masoud Rajavi and Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, using projectors onto tall buildings. They also displayed statements advocating the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime and the establishment of a democratic system in Iran in multiple locations in Tehran and other cities including Shiraz, Mashhad, Rasht, Isfahan, Karaj, Gorgan, Tabriz, Zanjan, Urmia, Qazvin, Kermanshah, Semnan, Khalkhal, Miandoab, Shahr-e Kord, Takestan, Jonaqan, Manjil, Kish, Shahriar, Dehdasht, Langroud, Pakdasht, Shahr-e Rey, Robat Karim, Babol, Shahroud, Kamyaran, Marivan, and Iranshahr.

One of the 150 operations focused on the Quds Operational Headquarters of the Revolutionary Guard in Tehran on Tuesday, November 14. This base, one of the four arms of the Revolutionary Guard’s suppression apparatus in Tehran, was responsible for the crackdown, arrest, and torture of protesters during the uprisings of 2017, 2019, and 2022 in the northwest of Tehran. The guards at this base would initially transfer detained protesters to the internal prison of the base and later send them to other Revolutionary Guard prisons after torture and interrogation. During the 2022 uprising, this base particularly targeted universities and, specifically, the students of Sharif University.

The Quds Basij headquarters, responsible for the surveillance of public places, parks, squares, streets, and alleys and persecuting women and girls, under the excuse of mal-veiling, was another target.

Operations included targeting and detonating the Naval Force base of the Revolutionary Guard in Bushehr, the Basij base of the Revolutionary Guard in Bushehr, the student Basij in Bushehr province, the SSF (State Security Force) suppression force at the Science and Industry station in Tehran, and various Basij centers named as Shahid Ahmadi, Tharallah, and Ma’edeh in Tehran. Targets also encompassed the Basij bases named Imam Hassan, Shahid-e Velayat, and Shohadaye Kargar in Mashhad, as well as Basij Women’s base in Isfahan, the Basij bases of Javad Kazaei and Alavi in Zahedan, the Basij base named after Musa ibn Ja’far in Karaj, and the Basij base named as Al Qa’im in Malekan. Additionally, seminaries affiliated with the IRGC named Javad al-A’emmeh and Rah-e Zaynab in Tehran, as well as the looting and corruption foundation known as the Martyrs Foundation and the Affairs of Veterans in Region 8 Tehran, were among the objectives of the defiant youth.

Other activities on the anniversary of the November 2019 uprising included the burning of eight billboards and posters featuring images of Khomeini, Khamenei, Raisi, and Qasem Soleimani in Tehran and dozens of other cities, including Shahr-e Rey, Pakdasht, Arak, Zanjan, Shahrekord, Kerman, Azad Shahr Golestan, Dezful, Minoodasht, Najaf Abad, Isfahan, Robat Karim, Mashhad, Sabzevar, Gorgan, Qom, Tabriz, Iranshahr, Izeh, Andimshek, Gorgan, Fardis Karaj, Shahroud, Zahedan, Dezful, Zanjan, Dorud, Yazd and Izeh.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

November 18, 2023

Click on the links below to view the video of these operations and activities.

The Quds operational base of the Greater Tehran IRGC and Basij and Quds headquarters of the Tehran Protection Corps
Tehran – Targeting and explosion in IRGC Quds operational base and attack on Basij Quds headquarters in Tehran
Tehran – Targeting and explosion in IRGC Quds operational base and attack on Basij Quds headquarters in Tehran
Tehran – Targeting and explosion in IRGC Quds operational base and attack on Basij Quds headquarters in Tehran
Tehran – Targeting a seminary related to mullahs
Bushehr – Targeting the Basij center responsible for suppression of students
Qazvin – Targeting the center of cultural repression of the regime known as the General Directorate of Culture and Islamic Guidance
Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan and Shahryar – Targeting Basij suppression bases and looting centers of the regime
Tehran and Mashhad – Setting ablaze the pictures and posters of Ali Khamenei
Projecting photos of the Resistance leadership in the streets of Shiraz, Rasht and Midandoab
Setting fire to posters of Khomeini, Khamenei and Raisi in Tabriz and Mashhad and burning a Basij base of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran
Tehran – Targeting and setting fire to the mullahs’ Looting Foundation, known as the Martyr’s Foundation Administration
Mashhad – Targeting and setting fire to the government’s oppressive Taazirat office
Bushehr – Targeting and setting fire to the headquarters of the IRGC Navy
Targeting and setting fire to Basij bases in Mashhad and Zahedan and Municipality of Sharifiye, Qazvin
Bushehr – Projecting photos of the Resistance leadership in Tehran, Mashhad and Khalkhal
Targeting and setting fire to a repressive SSF station and a seminary affiliated with mullahs in Tehran, the office of the regime’s Majlis representative in Mashhad and the IRGC Basij base in Bushehr
Targeting and setting fire to a Basij base in Hamadan, the IRGC Basij students and mullahs organization in Yazd, and the mullahs’ municipality in Bidastan, Qazvin
Targeting and setting fire to two IRGC Basij bases in Tehran and Neishabour and a regime suppression center known as Amr Be Maruf headquarters in Mashhad
Zanjan – Installation of banners with images of the Resistance leadership on the flyover in Zanjan
Setting fire to the banner of Qassem Soleimani’s photo in Tehran, the banner of Khamenei’s image in Iranshahr, Sistan and Baluchistan, and the pro-regime banner in Mashhad

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