Gathering of 90 thousand Iranians in solidarity with the Iranian people’s uprising

and in support of Ashraf attended by 14 parliamentary committees in Europe

Mrs. Rajavi: Nationwide gathering represents the Iranian people’s vote and marks the beginning of the end for the religious dictatorship

The only option is democratic change and disbanding of suppressive organs

CNRI – Ninety thousand Iranians gathered at the Villepinte Convention Center, north of Paris, in the largest gathering of exiled Iranians in a sign of solidarity with the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and in support of Ashraf residents, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

In the gathering, which fell on the eighth day of national uprising of Iranians, hundreds of Europeans, Americans, Canadians, Australians, Arabs and Muslims took part. Representatives and chairmen of 14 parliamentary committees and international committee “In Search of Justice,” which is comprised of 2,000 parliamentarians on both sides of the Atlantic, attended the rally, which also included representatives, intellectuals and writers from Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq and other countries in the region.

Tens of thousands of participants reached the location of the gathering using thousands of buses, vans, and personal vehicles from across Europe. Thousands of other Iranians from the US, Canada and Scandinavian countries arrived by plane.

The keynote speaker, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, hailed the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and paid homage to the martyrs, those wounded and detained. She said that this uprising was the real choice and vote of the Iranian people and not the illegitimate and rigged election of the mullahs' regime. The echoes of "death to the dictator" and "Khamenei shame on you, let go of absolute rule" during this uprising reached every corner of the world. This uprising represents the beginning of the end for the religious dictatorship.

Mrs. Rajavi described Khamenei's remarks during the Friday prayer congregation as escalation of the irreversible political crisis and earthquake within the clerical regime. She said Khamenei's defense of the vote fraud, his staunch support for Ahmadinejad's presidency and the explicit rejection of annulling the election as a blatant warning for the bloody suppression of the popular uprising. This, she added, would leave no choice for the defeated factions to either part ways with the Supreme Leader or completely kowtow to him.

The Iranian Resistance's President-elect emphasized: In confronting the religious dictatorship, the only option conceivable for the enraged people of Iran is democratic change. The religious dictatorship and all its repressive organs must be dismantled so as to enable the Iranian people to take part in a free election under the United Nations supervision.

Mrs. Rajavi stated: The leaders of the defeated faction who formally and with the heartfelt and practical allegiance to the Supreme Leader were confirmed by the Guardian Council are now saying that "our government is one of lies under the banner of religion." They are describing the regime's election as a "masquerade," "bewildering," "stage managed," "illegitimate," and "a ridiculous show.” We would welcome them if they condemn the usurping of the right of the Iranian people to sovereignty and reject the velayat-e faqih regime in its totality. We condemn any aggression against them, their families and their human rights by the Khamenei-Ahmadinejad faction.

Mrs. Rajavi noted: When the religious dictatorship does not tolerate its closest allies and accomplices, one must ask western governments what was the result of 30 years of appeasement and searching for moderates within this regime?

Referring to the remarks by the US President that the Iranian people demand democracy, and that their voices must be heard and not suppressed, Mrs. Rajavi asked, does the minimum respect for the right of the Iranian people's struggle for freedom not require halting any concessions and bargaining with the ruling criminals which would occur at the expense of the Iranian people?  Of course, we have always said that if you think negotiations with this regime are fruitful, then go ahead and negotiate.

Addressing those who had not yet acknowledged the legal status of the residents of Ashraf and had continued to besiege them, Mrs. Rajavi said: Do not give priority to the interests of the faltering regime in Iran over the interests of Iraq.

She added, if the Iraqi Government lacks the capacity, the capability and the independence to respect international law and to comply with the European Parliament resolution adopted on April 24, then the United States, which disarmed the residents of Ashraf rendering them defenseless and singed an agreement with each of them, must assume responsibility for their protection under the supervision of the United Nations.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 20, 2009


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