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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ProtestForced confessions echo Iran regime's failure to quell nationwide uprising

Forced confessions echo Iran regime’s failure to quell nationwide uprising

National Council of Resistance of IranNationwide uprising – Statement 146

Forced confessions echo Iran regime’s failure to quell nationwide uprising, deepening internal crisis, pave way for more executions

NCRI – The clerical regime put on stage the second part of a discredited kangaroo trial of recent detainees on Saturday, August 8. The outrageous tactic used by the regime, which was in reaction to the failure of its criminal measures to quell nationwide uprising, generated anger and hatred among people across the country.

Simultaneously, large groups of families of those detained in the course of uprising and youths staged protests outside the regime’s Ministry of Justice and streets around it on Saturday in Tehran.

In addition to individuals from the rival faction, a number of students and young people, a French national and two Iranian employees of the French and British embassies were forcibly put on the ridiculous show trial that was staged by the regime’s judiciary.

By staging such trials which reflects the regime’s inability to deal with the heroic uprising of the Iranian people, the mullahs are trying to create an atmosphere of fear and terror to quell the uprising, eliminate members of the rival faction and force them to submit to the regime.

By arresting foreign nationals and fabricating files against them, the regime is also trying to use them as hostages to gain concessions.

While condemning mullahs’ discredited and ludicrous stage managed shows, the Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General, UN Security Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and relevant UN rapporteurs, including the Special Rapporteur on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur on Torture, as well as all international organs and human rights organizations to condemn the clerical regime for its mass arrests, torture, ill treatment of political prisoners, obtaining of forced confessions, and lack of fair judicial procedures, and to enact immediate measures to free political prisoners.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 9, 2009