Distribution of Resistance Leadership Messages by Resistance Units and Supporters of the Mujahedin-E Khalq in Tehran and Various Cities in Iran

Distribution of resistance leadership messages by Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq in Tehran and various cities in Iran
Tehran, Shiraz, Sabzevar, and Hamedan- Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi-June 3, 2020

In recent days, despite intense security measures, youth supporters of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and Resistance Units have posted banners of messages by the Iranian Resistance leadership, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance, and Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance, in Tehran and other Iranian cities, including Urmia, Khorramshahr, Robat Karim, Kashan, Karaj, Mashhad, Semnan, Hashtpar, Kermanshah, Javanrud, Ahvaz, Astara, Yazd, Hamedan, Abadan, Sanandaj, Qom, Sabzevar, Mahshahr, Babolsar, Sarbandar, Shiraz and Isfahan.

In addition, MEK supporters wrote graffiti and slogans on walls and alleys and distributed leaflets in public places in various cities, especially in dozens of locations in Tehran.

Some of the slogans were: “Kudos on the anniversary of the dictator Khomeini’s death”, “Down with the principle of Velayat-e-Faqih, damn Khomeini,” “Army of the Hungry, revolt and rise up, damn Khamenei,” “Democracy, Freedom with Maryam Rajavi,” “Maryam Rajavi: All regime’s Promises are hollow, only end to poverty and unemployment is the establishment of a democratic and popular republic,” “Uprising will erupt to annihilate Khamenei and his clerical regime,” “Down with Khamenei, damn to Khomeini, hail to Rajavi,” “Massoud Rajavi: Damn to Khomeini who usurped the most essential right of the Iranian people, namely the popular sovereignty,” “Massoud Rajavi: Our fight with Khomeini was over people’s freedoms and social justice.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 7, 2020


Tehran- Massoud Rajavi’s banner near the entrance of a mosque- June 3, 2020
Tehran, Shiraz, Sabzevar, and Hamedan- Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi-June 3, 2020
Tehran- “The valiant children of Iran, will not give in to the clerical regime, no to silence and inaction”- June 4, 2020
Tehran, Karaj, and Hamedan- June 4, 2020
Isfahan- Massoud Rajavi’s messages- June 5, 2020
Tehran and Hamedan- Wall writing and posting placards- June 5, 2020
Tehran and other cities- May 30, 2020
Tehran, Karaj, Qazvin, Ahvaz, and Isfahan- May 30, 2020
Tehran- Posting banner of the leader of the Iranian Resistance- May 31, 2020
Urmia, and Khorramshahr- May 31, 2020
Tehran and Kashan- May 31, 2020
Tehran and Karaj- Maryam Rajavi: The overthrow of the clerical regime is near; Massoud Rajavi: Our fight with Khomeini was over people’s freedoms and social justice- June 1, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- anti-regime graffiti- June 1, 2020
Tehran and various other cities- anti-regime graffiti- June 1, 2020
Various cities- anti-regime graffiti- June 1, 2020
Tehran and Isfahan- Massoud Rajavi: This was the slogan of the valiant youth on June 20, 1981, “Down with Khomeini, Hail to freedom”- June 2, 2020
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